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Brow Lift

Sun exposure, environmental pollutants, smoking habits, and genetics can all accelerate the facial aging process, hastening the development of wrinkles, creases, and skin laxity. For many men and women, the brow region takes on an aging appearance as horizontal lines develop along the forehead, vertical creases form between the eyebrows, and the browline begins to droop. Thankfully, brow lift surgery can smooth forehead wrinkles, remove excess skin, and restore a more youthful eyebrow arch to create a revitalized appearance.

What Is a Brow Lift?

Although cosmetic injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic can temporarily minimize the appearance of forehead wrinkles and creases, a brow lift can offer a greater degree of comprehensive  rejuvenation with longer lasting results. Through the process of removing excess skin and lifting the brow to a more elevated position, our plastic surgeonJohn M. Sarbak, MD—can dramatically rejuvenate the upper third of the face. In some cases, hooding of the upper eyelids can also be reduced with a brow lift

Benefits of Brow Lift Surgery

Brow lift surgery can reverse signs of aging in the upper portion of face, including fine lines, deep wrinkles, furrows, and sagging skin. Advantages of having Dr. Sarbak perform this procedure are:

A brow lift can also be performed in conjunction with additional procedures for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It is common for patients to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) or a facelift. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will examine your facial features, assess the condition of your skin, discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals, and develop a customized treatment plan that can meet your expectations.

The Brow Lift Procedure

There is quite a wide range of variety when it comes to the characteristics of each individual’s forehead. Some patients have high or thinning hairlines. Some have deep wrinkles. Some have two or three rows of wrinkles, while others have five or more. There are those with deep vertical wrinkles between their eyebrows. There are patients with high eyebrow positions and those with low ones. They may be higher towards the nose or towards the temples. Some may have wrinkles in the eyebrows themselves, which is usually a sign of facial deflation or fat loss. Some may have already had surgery. Some may have scars from previous trauma (falling off of a bicycle as a child). One side is almost always different from the other.

With this much variation among individuals, one standard brow lift procedure couldn’t possibly fit everyone’s needs. That is why Dr. Sarbak performs five different types of brow lifts (each one with room for subtle customization). He must also consider how this procedure will influence the upper eyelids and overall facial harmony.

There are two main types of brow lift procedures: traditional and endoscopic. During a traditional brow lift, your plastic surgeon makes one long incision within the hairline. The skin is then lifted to erase forehead creases, muscles between the brows may be smoothed, and the browline is elevated to reposition drooping eyebrows. Finally, any excess skin is removed. Typically, a traditional coronal brow lift is used to address more advanced signs of facial aging.

For patients who are experiencing the earlier signs of facial aging in the upper third of the face, an endoscopic brow lift may be recommended. With an endoscopic brow lift, your plastic surgeon can lift the skin to reduce forehead wrinkles, lift the eyebrows, and remove excess skin using very small incisions within the hairline. The endoscopic technique can reduce postoperative scarring and recovery time, and is often suggested for patients with mild to moderate signs of facial aging. During the consultation process, Dr. Sarbak will be able to determine which type of brow lift is best suited for your needs and goals.

Recovery After Brow Lift

As with any surgery, patients can expect some swelling and bruising  following their brow lift procedure – these effects should begin to dissipate with a few days. Any physical discomfort can be easily managed with medication. Our plastic surgeon recommends keeping the head elevated whenever possible during this time to decrease swelling. Most brow lift patients return to their normal daily activities within 7 to 10 days of surgery. Patients should avoid strenuous activity and vigorous exercise for two to three weeks. After this recovery time, patients can see the final results of the brow lift procedure and enjoy a more youthful, revitalized appearance.

If you would like to learn more about brow lift surgery or want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarbak, please contact our office.